Tuesday, March 24, 2015

FOI Foundation Union Triad

Notice to Members

Blessings of Isis, Dana and Tara! On the eve of the Vernal Equinox, March 19, 2015, the process of updating membership of the three FOI Foundation Unions was completed. Full details will be provided in the upcoming issue of Isian News for Beltane 2015.

"My brother Lawrence, his wife Pamela and I looked to the future at arrangements for the continuity of the work of the Fellowship of Isis globally. ... The general work of the FOI is carried out by the FOI Foundation Union Triad: The Archpriesthood Union, The Archdruid Union of the Druid Clan of Dana, and the Grand Commander Union of the Noble Order of Tara." 

(Excerpt from a message received from Olivia Robertson by the late Deena Butta, FOI Chicago, published in Isis-Seshat Magazine, Issue No. 30, Summer 2011) 

(Photo provided by Deena Butta. © FOI Central Website, all rights reserved.)